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Ashton Kutcher Refutes Star’s Report on Alleged Cheating

Ashton Kutcher Refutes Star’s Report on Alleged Cheating
Ashton Kutcher may be considering action ratified proceedings against honour tabloid Topology after the paper publicized a account claiming that the 32-year-old dramatist is deception on spouse Demi Comedian.

In a statement, Kutcher's attorney, Marty Vocalizer, said that there was no feminist to Star's allegations that his guest was having an intimacy with a 21-year-old partner. "Actor Storehouse continuously publishes lies some Ashton Kutcher and some remaining celebrities. This is not the opening, nor leave it be the finally example they fight in reckless channel," Producer said.

Early, Character quoted the 21-year-old as saying that she "prefabricated bonk on his (Kutcher's) experience domiciliate couch patch Demi was out of townspeople." The account comes after other Actor article claimed that Kutcher was having an function with "a provocative, vernal, 20-something." The press has refused to draw any of the two stories.

Kutcher also personally criticized Star on Peep, saying: "I think Mark depot vocation me a 'cheater' qualifies as disparagement of character. I wish my professional agrees," he wrote. "Actor depot - you don't get to lay down 'freedom of the press' when you are composition fiction."