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Politics changed by new media: Panel discussed the issue

Politics changed by new media: Panel discussed the issue
Start like a bad joke: "The Senate, Dean of the University College Chapel and running in a liberal talk show host ..."

However, some serious debate as a joke in America's political panel, the impact of new media event yesterday in the chapel - said.

The panel discussed the issue centered on the table: And democracy is a good source of today - more than all right?

Sen. Saxby Chambliss the (R-Ga.), Senator Ben (D-Neb.) Nelson, and fellow radio host Neal Boortz, Clark, Dean, Grady College of Journalism and Communication Society, YouTube discuss significant impact, social media, Web Quick update teuhago brutal block from the political arena has been the past 10 years.

"University President Michael Adams, the panel suggested it was just a matter of how colleges can be resolved." "And perhaps a photo of the day, when a block with a low or vomiting more accuracy of all information - we can change the cell may be the most important question?"

Chambliss as a moderator of the debate today, the source of journalism fellow panelists about the importance of the verification, he said.

He is Clark, "we limit this to have worked," he said. Which they are. Bombard us believe about the confusion "of our multi-source stories, there are many forms of control. You always have questions with any confidence when we need to discuss whether the public can not just add value?

Chambliss the Internet era, the tweeter can be a minor mistake in Nelson to walk a difficult political propaganda can be delivered in seconds, were distributed nationwide.

, Boortz is "just a word of the sudden it becomes a problem," he said. Instantaneousness to happen before you would have all of Twitter. "

Clark dominated the world of new media to leave a comment that is not without blame, said. It takes the sound from the prompter voice heard around the world may be the next byte.

"There is space that is not subject to digital representations from somewhere else," he said. "But we communicate with anonymity. We can exaggerate the feeling that we are alone. We are never more vulnerable than when we have a digital space."

Nelson and Chambliss were looking for two new means to combat the potential negative impact embraced for its positive effect on ingredients.

"We do weekly YouTube now," Chambliss said. "And the response was incredible. I never imagined that if my staff at first."

Nelson also stated the Conference of YouTube is few ingredients as often.

"This makes a big impact on what we do because we want to get our message out there," he said. "The truth moves at the speed of sound. You must get your message out yourself."

Although all Hardboard expressed some distrust of new media also highlighted the benefits of new media such as high voter turnout.

"This is one way to help new media," said Boortz. "This is what people talk about politics, that otherwise do not care at all."

All rigid panels have agreed that no change in the new media - these are the children adapt the influence growing.

"This is how the different media used to enhance your problems," says Clark. "Ultimately, the organization is everything in politics. It is not the management of a medium which is given as all of them for use. Let our primordial unity frankly primary drive to adapt."