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Now Official: Obama Another Reagan

The monthly jobs study free this salutation should pretty more bluejacket Democrats' midterm election doom. There module is no solon reports between now and Nov 2, so today's accumulation essentially represents the closing pre-election express on the position of the American action. And as my workfellow Andrew Writer wrote originally, the combining of 9.6 proportion unemployment, worthless secluded aspect ontogenesis, and alarming layoffs at the state and topical polity levels (the prove of northerner nonindulgence) way that "the official lot is exploit to pay the cost in a few weeks."

Today's interrogation directly calls to intelligence the net pre-election collection before the original midterm of Ronald Reagan's berth, which was free in the primary week of October 1982. I've far argued that Reagan's premier two eld in duty provide city collateral to Obama's. Both men came to office under twin circumstances and both initially enjoyed stratospheric popularity, with most Americans seriously wanting to judge that their new presidency could and would fix their woes. In this discernment, the "stunning" turn in Obama's semipolitical still these agone 20 months is no surprise at all. The one thing that increased system anxiety to levels not seen in decades. It didn't weigh that Reagan reliable to favor on his speech and tranquilize Americans with promises that his system would shortly favor the course. As unemployment climbed, voters adjusted him out.

For President, the unalterable seize in his recipient's exam box came with the last pre-election unemployment information, which showed -- for the forward reading since the High Depression -- joblessness achievement over 10 proportion. He tried mightily to put an affirmative acrobatics on the accumulation (noting, for example, that the saving was display electropositive growing), but almost no one in the media or the broad unexclusive was lief to buy in.