Screenland Actress Deepika Padukone poor up with the Ranbir Kapoor! In a recent broadcast of Koffee with Karan, Ranbir Kapoor revealed a fashionable strategy to transfer on all his concern. The person saves the book of all his girlfriends as 'BATTERY LOW'. The delude is when he's with one missy, and the separate one calls him up, the sound flashes Fire LOW. So the mean gal thinks that his sound is functioning out of battery. Voguish fob, swell!
And if this was not enough, Ranbir also admitted to protection girls' numbers under antheral traducement. Fazila Allana, Managing Filmmaker of the creation sanctuary making Koffee With Karan, told Screenland Reporters, "Yes, Ranbir Kapoor himself admitted this."
And if this was not enough, Ranbir also admitted to protection girls' numbers under antheral traducement. Fazila Allana, Managing Filmmaker of the creation sanctuary making Koffee With Karan, told Screenland Reporters, "Yes, Ranbir Kapoor himself admitted this."