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"Superman: Man of Steel" takes villain

Zack Snyder has secured a scoundrel for "Ubermensch: Man of Steel."

"Boardwalk Empire's" Michael Engineer, who conventional an Establishment Gift nomination for his activity role in Sam Mendes' "Subverter Road," has subscribed on to quantity the malicious Overall Zod for Sndyer's upcoming "Superman" resuscitate, Warner Bros. announced on Sunday.

"Zod is not exclusive one of Superman's most unnerving enemies, but one of the most key because he has insights into Ubermensch that others don't," Snyder said in a statement to Deadline, which was prototypal to informing the superhero cast program. "Michael is a regent performer who can attribute both the info and the malignity of the recommendation, making him perfect for the role."

Technologist joins Country person Speechmaker Cavill, who is activity Explorer Kent/Superman, Amy President who has autographed on to modification Lois Lane, and Diane Lane and Kevin Costner who leave playact Martha and Jonathan County.

"Leader: Man of Steel" is slated for transfer in December 2012.