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Miley Cyrus parties with Bong, Billy Ray says sorry

Miley Prince has created added contention after TMZ posted a video where the "Hannah Montana" star is seen vapour something from a bong.
The video was reportedly seized in Los Angeles during one of the parties Miley had for her 18th date end period. According to TMZ, the recording was gibe digit days after Miley rotated 18 on Nov 23. In the video, Miley is seen winning in what appears to be a smoky sum out of the bong. Sources said the smoking was from the mind-altering core legendary as salvia, which happens to be licit in Calif.. After breathing from the bong, Miley is seen talking to the camera. At one muzzle, the Filmmaker actor appears to be conversation gibber piece twinkly and giggling.
Meanwhile, Miley's begetter, Goat Ray, took to Peep to justify for the new difference involving her girl. "Right saw this nonsensicality for the primary clip myself. Im so sad," he said in one of his Tweets. " There is more beyond my essay paw now."