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Jennifer Lawrence said about Become Everdeen Katniss

After a quick glance at the cover of this week, Entertainment Weekly, is clear: Jennifer Lawrence is Katniss Everdeen.

But how did the 20-year-old blonde star turn in The Hunger Games? It speaks of the process according to the EW piece.
On his hair: ".. I think I just need to be alone or I expect the girl from The Ring"

What about education? The Oscar nominations were skilled in archery, track work, acrobatics and yoga exercises. She also said she was not skinny, "skinny" to begin filming this week in North Carolina.

Her dress Hunger Games: "I want to be sure I can run and jump and climb I implemented the [costume] crazy in boots:. You have to fix this, you need to make it easier here you have to open it here." clothes do not interest me. Just put it on me. It 's like Oscar season again. "

Pick up the latest issue of EW for much more from the star.