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9 things guys say should never be fake about you

Guys want real women in their lives. They want to know who and what will be the beginning. The woman does not want to change the relationship with her husband in the middle, and a couple of boys the same. Knowing this, I met with nine men at the top of my listeners and readers of the things that you never have to feel a false list:

1. Share your interests with your husband
Often women will tend to feign activity with a man should never go to the first day and keep things moving along with the interest shown. He did not like the football team, whitewater rafting and a sudden craving for Ethiopian food and a love for these things are just bad, your true nature. Eventually he will see through the outdoorsy woman who was disappointed or not you get tired of it, he always dreamed of. You ask a man to try something new for their own benefit only if you're mad that you hate something in your life as you want to play for.

2. Friendship with another man
Not only the Platonic idea of ​​relaxing with friends when the truth (or connected), some of them in the past. Guys can help you understand, after the romance ends, but they really want or do not know Bill, you have every day for lunch, only with a buddy or an old flame. Your boyfriend does not want the other guy, without his knowledge of intimate details about you. Honest areas of your life is about how to communicate with them and have accepted your friendship was the key to these men.

3. What you will want to contact
What do you want to clear out of love. If you want something casual are not the same, you need to know that you have your head in the marriage. Do not tell me to settle down as the other side of the guys you want to juggle 10. What is the dating game you want to know your purpose was, therefore, to decide whether or not they can be played with. At the same time, relaxing in a relationship does not guarantee the issue will be on the road a little deeper to get the changes to your account as you will.

4. Their opinion of your friends
If you do not really like his family and friends if they do not. Men are often caught in this trap by his wife believed they were comfortable with - and even enjoy spending time with - his inner circle, only to find months later that was really unfortunate. He much prefers to enjoy the company of people and you is your honest about what you do not care. Contact a friend or family member lose a lot of annoying when it is always around. Know your true feelings about his own circle, so that adjustments can be made more comfortable.

5. You look at the general
They are a beautiful woman who loves men, all natural or full-on glam. However, most feel the need as a wonderful dinner at 6 hours the previous evening. The make-up man, and fortunately also the magic of Spanx - but "natural", just so you do not have to be exciting. Plus, be confident and sexy without all the attributes to be like them.

6. What do you want to achieve future goals
No view of the high-powered career woman, and then, once you move together or married, decided to stay at home all the time to stop working.It is true, 'good' family has a photo of himself - just like you.

7. The bedroom of your desires
Some women who pull the "big gun" is only fun for all the rooms in the beginning of the relationship of a man addicted to it. Men feel that way to begin a sexual relationship should be the same, and to play and do something really beneficial for you to be able to get a ring, he will be destroyed. Self be true of your bedroom and get a better opportunity to build a lasting relationship.

8. What do you find attractive about him
Why do you want? Why are you? If you only want him to be a great lover, he is told. If you are only interested in him is strong and honest because of this success. Most men (like women) to know their strengths and their weaknesses. And find out what was really inside of your actions and words will be very surprised if the line of his thoughts will do. Bottom line, he wanted to know what attracted the first place, therefore, was able to keep and maintain interest over time.

9. Your romantic history
Be clear about your past relationship and love story. Who wants to know who looks like the most is, "get away" and yet every time you want to deal with children, work or family issues as a member of the discomfort you. Men would not be surprised by your past lovers, and you will be able to try or abandoned to avoid the pain in the past with other men.