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Britney Spears: If I Weren't Famous, I'd Be a Teacher HDVNZG9NMKGA

There is no pop star Britney Spears, what can be today? Training! interview, two 29-year-old mother of the young age of the star when he opens up about their career choice.

"I would probably have to be a teacher," says the website. "I love kids, and even how my day is now a play of my favorite parts of before the fans react. Especially the kids. They are always so cute."

"I want to read the story and specialized," he said, adding that her favorite date in 1920.

"Baby One More Time" was just that one-hit wonder in 1998, Spears had to say: "My family building [and] with a mother:" Today.

His sons, Sean Preston and Jayden, 5, 4, is his priority. "I am a very good way to raise kids and stuff," he said. "So [I was popular, also] very probably pretty much the same."

He wants his sons to pursue a career in any industry will continue, he left them in their footsteps. "I'm definitely keeping an eye on them, but you want that, I do not want to go after them if I wanted to do," he says. "I'm very protective."

"I feel terrible in it, as well as anyone, really, I do not want your experience in this industry can prepare for it," he says. "I only know what their right and wrong and guide them along the way. I have experience in the instincts that help you, I will trust."