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Kris Humphries Learn That Kim Kardashian Was Previously Married

Seems quite clear that there is very little that is "consistent with the Kardashians," the unscripted. Much of it, the artificial situations and plots that "Hills" - esque fashion, in which the stories play out (provocation, followed by resolution of the conflict, which follows) so that it is not as clean in real life.

In addition, a recent report on TMZ caught between the producers of crafts scene, Kim Kardashian Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick wedding, offering further proof of this assertion. (The fact that nobody seems to care shows that it is understood that we are not bothered if the "reality TV" is real as long as it is entertaining).

So keep this in mind when watching this clip - it was shot, when the family was on vacation in Bora Bora this summer at the earliest - Kim Kardashian is a serious and informed her husband, and Kris-in - Humphries, that he was married.

Humphries seems to be shocked by the revelation (well, he tells us that "shocked" to his mental condition, does not really seem any longer), that is, he does not know Kim was married to music producer Damon Thomas in 2000 compared to 2004.

This allows the camera manufacturers are Kris said: "I do not know what else this time," which fits nicely into their "How you doin 'Price type holiday with Kris and Kim" storyline they are working on two episodes of the now somewhat anticlimactic plot that we already know how it is going to end.