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Paul McCartney On Music Reality Shows & His Upcoming Post-9/11 Concert Documentary

Beatles songs to a music contest and become the standard fare that Paul McCartney, "American Idol" on Thursday, as the program is a fan of "The X Factor."

The Television Critics Association meeting in Beverly Hills as part of Showtime, OH, Cincinnati from the satellite in response to the questions "What I said yesterday that everything is cool," said Paul.

"People want to do it was always - has some value," he continued. "I sometimes feel sorry for some of the artists do not have the background a little bit [like the Beatles]. ... But it was before the show hit the big time they are interested. I see shows like this."

11/09, then to a concert in New York, near the Showtime documentary "We Make Love" which promotes Paul, like music, however, that tube, prefer a little more activity.

"Perhaps the biggest TV is not my taste. But I love these kinds of shows. I probably watch more sports. I like ESPN," he said. "I hate to say, I get hooked and sometimes full of shopping channels.

So, where to get a collar on a suit before a Reporter has added a reference question: "I think this is a jacket with no collar, I'm sorry."

Not only talk to other reality shows, Paul explained, "We Make Love", September 11, the day before the tenth anniversary of Albert Maysles in the air with the film in black and white on Showtime, 2001 attacks in the United States.

"I would not have lasted 10 years ... There was a special reason. We together until very recently, not for," said Paul. "I am the tenth anniversary of this in mind I think I'm ready, wait a minute, Albert, was a thing at the time and never had some great scenes just seemed like a good opportunity."

The Beatles legend David Bowie, Elton John and The Who, including the biggest names in rock, which brought together some of New York, from Paul's original idea for the show to witness to the JFK airport, said very quickly after the attacks.

"We had to JFK on the asphalt, and just all of a sudden, the pilot said:" We are trying to return to base, we can not do. Out the side window on the right of the aircraft, you can see the twin towers. First of all, you can see the cloud of smoke and shortly afterwards and I can see it, "well, that's an optical illusion ... or maybe in some small fire or something, but does not seem very serious," Paul told. "We are looking only for a while and then suddenly, one of the Regents ... came up to me and said:" There's nothing really serious happened in New York [that] we came here.

"I'm thinking of sitting twiddling my thumbs while watching TV ... in New York who were on Long Island, but no one was allowed to return, and this may play a role in which he had" perhaps with an idea for something, it can be a show that came to me, "he said.

Access to high quality, such as - - and capture the feeling of the streets along with the planning of the concert, "We Make Love" in which interviews, talking to people on the streets of New York are Galicia and images.

"There was fear in the air, especially in New York, the idea that this happened, where, ever experienced," he said in reference to a concert.

At this time, the New-York, the Liverpool star race with a lot of time thinking of a locality, have some good memories.