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Rooney Mara Talks ‘Incredibly Intense’ ‘Dragon Tattoo’ Rape Scene & Two-Month Audition

Rooney Mara will soon see this film in a most unexpected, and the 26-year-old actress "The Dragon Tattoo girl," said Lisbeth Salander is nabbing the coveted role - more than two months after the hearing - almost as hard against the Heroine, as he struggled to play.

"I was just super frustrated. As I," you decided. Yes I have a girl, or you do not. There is not much more I can prove it, "Rooney told Entertainment Weekly in its latest meeting with the director David Fincher had clinched the title role of prior learning." Type I go prepared to fight. I was Pissed.

"David sat me down and gave me a long lecture on the part of the week. Then he gave me his iPad, and the press release about it," he continued. , "He said," I am ready to send this. If you want to participate in a half hour I have to leave. "
When the battle was won, Rooney, who has previously worked with David on casting a "social network" to move to the next challenge - often shockingly violent scenes for the film (the first author Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy, based on the novel) to shoot, especially the notoriously disturbing act of rape.

"It was very intense all week ginuen -. The Valentine's Day week, and strangely enough," he said pivotal scene in the mag. "We have to work 16 hours a day, and it was really, really challenging, not physically, but emotionally. It is a scene in it. We do everything we can to get this right." as new, warns Daniel Craig, investigative journalist Mikael Blomkvist, who stars alongside Rooney, as the film does not hold back when the film has scenes of the upcoming American version of the graphic acute Larsson.

"I was [of violence] by name - and literally I [only] the film in terms of minutes," said Daniel, Access Hollywood was the surprise of the film at the level of brutality that is transferred to the bestselling book, "Cowboys & Aliens' Montana last month of the pulp.