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Gaga Goes Minimalist

Lady Gaga, as is well known for his wild wardrobe, hair heavy and mega amounts of makeup, because it is his music. But in the recent issue of Harper's Bazaar, showing the mother goes au naturel - order sans makeup and hair perfectly clear.

"I do not consider" natural ", says the album, which will be shooting the film, fashion photographers Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin co-created." I think the trick is the new reality: It's just be honest and sincere, as are what you are doing a lot of what I'm wearing makeup or without makeup, I was always the same person inside. "

And if he gets some confidence to run it often enough, tight skin - clothes, in the first place. Well, it helps to have a body murderess, but Lady gaga she tells the magazine as "very free spirit," "Even when I was a kid, I was around naked with a baby-sitting, driving me crazy, do yoga, but Bikram, and I came across. I eat really healthy and you know, a little 'how my workflow. I still heavy work. "

As for how his devoted fans will be disappointed if he started dressing like, well, everyone is Barmy to insist, that simply is not a problem. "I'm not trying to focus on what people expect from me," he says, "I think what was beautiful with my company is that they expect something unexpected to me."