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Portwood "Mom and Teen Home Amber Star vandalism

Amber Portwood Easter weekend, was the victim of a report on vandalism The star of Teen Mother "revealed damage to the police.

The words "bitch", "whore" and "f *****' he was spray-painted the house and his Ford Taurus was Egged.

Portwood comes after a recent scandal in the incident. Reality TV star and her boyfriend to steal away the father of a neighbor girl Jaicee years Jamie has been accused of Monroe. Monroe Portwood him home when he launched his boyfriend Midas claims.

"Amber is not depressed, and acts of vandalism," Portwood's mother, Tonya, said RadarOnline. "Amber, then lunch and then, when am at home with her ​​aunt, and Midas. Around 3, was forced to call the police "

Portwood girl children at home, Gary began by chance that the old father of Shirley's, said web.