There is a problem, and years, it Solvi.
Rob Van Winkler, better known by his stage name of Vanilla Ice, grabbed the headlines Thursday Huffington Post story claiming Canada Posted former rapper Justin Baber predicted glory will soon come to an end.
Nevertheless, Rob said, referring to the wrong.
"It's not a real quote is a flat lie," Rob told Hot Trends in a statement on Friday. "I'm friends with Justin Bieber and his family, I think he's talented and will be around for a long time."
Rob Van Winkler, better known by his stage name of Vanilla Ice, grabbed the headlines Thursday Huffington Post story claiming Canada Posted former rapper Justin Baber predicted glory will soon come to an end.
Nevertheless, Rob said, referring to the wrong.
"It's not a real quote is a flat lie," Rob told Hot Trends in a statement on Friday. "I'm friends with Justin Bieber and his family, I think he's talented and will be around for a long time."
This site requires a young Rob Justin fame of his rapid rise to fame, and he predicted teen titan empire quickly fall apart.
"I mean, I did 'Ice Ice Baby", when I was 16 years old. So I kind of related to something, "One hit him, according to HuffPo Canada, references to the famous rap of the 1990s." Sold more than a hundred million records. And I had a day off, which lasted for three years, and I did not know who I am, what my purpose in life. "
While Justin, 17, has a lot of songs and hit albums, blockbuster, and now as a perfume for women, the site says Rob predicted that the young Canadian heartthrob quickly fall on hard times.
"My prediction for Bieber that he would go through one of these weekends, which lasts for several years because he so much as a child act," he said, according to the site. "And the new will come, and he will be missed, and he may try to put all the pieces together so that it will be interesting to watch."
On Friday afternoon, Huffington Post Posted updates to adhere to Canada's history.
"Vanilla Ice has declined to comment on Twitter Bieber, but we have a sound," said Pack. "Maybe the rapper simply forgot what he said. The interview was taken on June 1 and embargoes to show that he do not start until August."