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Rod Blagojevich convicted of 17 felonies

Former Illinois Governor rod Blagojevich, or sale of U.S. Obama's Senate seat after the resignation of the exchange, the corruption, bribery and extortion, has been convicted of a large number of complaints filed.

The jury deliberated 17 20 counts he was convicted.

His lawyer insisted that an FBI wiretap recordings of the illegal activities of politicians who think the community is difficult to discuss the many ramblings.

But Blagojevich, who as a punchline to spend 2 1 / 2 years old, pleaded not guilty, but the Reality Show, and the witness chair, and go down hard.

Blagojevich said the guilty verdicts cap a remarkable story, which is infamously well-established, the phone, tapped a chance that Obama's Senate for a successor was appointed after he was elected as president, "said the f ---- ing." Was

. Some from the "F-ing to nothing, ---" This is not to give

Face up to 300 years in prison, although it is time to reduce the penalty guidelines. However, prosecutors are likely to push him to jail.

Body may not bow to the stand. FBI has been years in the senate seats (total costs) has been investigating before.

The status hearing scheduled for August 1, fine.