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V-card loss to Bristol Palin: Levi Johnston By Date Rape No

Bristol Palin said that despite the terrible decision she made ​​when she gave Levi Johnston, but drunk in a tent, was an agreement soon.

Subject rose Good Morning America, Bristol was a statement she makes in her book ... Levi "stole" her virginity.

The oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is, gave it up when she was only 15th She says she used the word "stolen", because "that's what it was like."

The book, entitled not afraid of life: My Journey so far, describes the big night. Bristol, after plowing in wine rack, got ... you know.

"I do not blame Levy date rape or rape at all," Bristol clarified. "But I'm just looking back at it with adult eyes on me now."

Now she says that she thinks "that was a stupid decision."

However, other times they slept together. As they talked, he would not do it again, until they were married, Boning and son on Trippe was generated, after that Bristol was a fun-control advocate.