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The Real Housewives of New York City: Too Much Drama? New Cast on the Way?

Real Housewives of New York had just finished a dramatic season. However, TAD can be dramatic?

Insiders set of events not seen in a camera Tweets life insulting Morocco's fight, this year reached a new low.

All the houses can not be a source of long-term memories, and went for something small, "says:" All the producers cast the film with a concern that has deteriorated. "Currently, the level of hate, consumed by toxic and, so high ... only a small and sad," he said.

Particular source of contention?

Beating the hell with Blogger Jill membrane, but one of the leading roles, in fact, my friend Jill says Huffington Post to create a serious tension, has made friends with an individual:

"Behavior such as a hot controversy should be rejected by all members of the cast. This TV has stopped the fight and should be warned that this war is life."