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Angelina Jolie to Scale Back Film Career?

Angelina Jolie can not even at all.

, Acting on stage, raising six children, and among the global economy has a lot of the plate. He is old, 36, knows something has to give.

What is likely to make it easy the first time is a challenge.

His directorial debut in the movie Cleopatra, Elizabeth Taylor, in post-production and will star in a remake of the Oscar winner said:

"Brad, and we will make fewer movies. I'm getting old, such as working for a long time, he worked for a long time. We lived in well-managed and non-specific do not want to do all our lives. There are other thing. "

They have a thing about life, love, freedom, the question, because "you grow, you are involved in some role in this issue. I'm quite sane, I'm strong enough, I understand, I do not understand? "

Jolie continues, "Who am I, and I know that I'm older ... ... for me to answer and tell me more like a woman less interested in the nature of the assistance as adults, with my family. "

It adopted the children in their countries and the large amounts of charity work, traveling the world as well as for Angelina, he wanted to find a moment of his characters, the answer may be now.

Of course, Angelina Jolie has a number of times exactly the same as before, the first in 2008 and in 2006, and celebrated.