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Two women found dead at North Hollywood home

Two women in their 20s was found stabbed to death and seriously wounded a woman in their 40s and a house in North Hollywood converted garage, police said Wednesday.

The women were stabbed in the neck, police said.

The police officers made a terrible discovery in the 7800 block of Irvine Avenue home Wednesday morning in the neighborhood of single family home stucco fronts and chain-link fence.

The researchers had no motive or suspects in the attacks, but they described the victim as a "person of interest" and that her wounds are self inflicted.

They do not believe that the occasional murder.

"We do not think there is any danger to the public at this time," said LAPD Capt. Ivan Minsal to nakhalerner Department.

Three women, believed to be associated with each other, found a friend who knocked on the door Wednesday morning, and then peered through the window when there was no reaction. He saw a body in the main building and called the 911th

Police at about 11:40, the second dead woman found in a converted garage on the property, and he is alive, but the 40s were cut wounds, police said, which can be controlled independently.

Police said the victim's wife is described as a "person of interest" because of his injury and family history, but they can not figure out, and do not say whether he or she may be considered suspicious.

The woman was taken to a local hospital and surgery were also interviewed by detectives Wednesday afternoon.

Three of the four family members were living in a converted garage behind the main building, police said. The sale of the property and there is no furniture in the main building, but police are not certain if it is occupied.

"This is superficially right now," said Det. Lt. Scott Mallory is nakhalerner Department.

The police confiscated a block of Irvine Avenue from Stagg Street and Arminta Street, where curious neighbors gathered in their front yard contributes to the gloomy news.

People who live at home moved there about six months ago, said Jennifer Montiel, 18, who lives in that block. He said he never heard any fighting or unrest in the house.

"We used to see them and say,` Hey, all the time, "said Montiel. "They looked like a good man is mad."